Monday, August 25, 2008

D.C. Trip!!

Okay you guys. I know you have all been waiting for this post!! Let me tell you that I had such a blast in D.C. with Jess. She made sure that everything was planned and that we had plenty of things to do. Let me break it down for you and I'll try not to make it too long. :)

The first day we tried to go to Little Italy for a festival, but the website was wrong and the festival wasn't until Saturday, so we ate at a authentic Italian restaurant that Jess, Jeremy, Mom and Dad ate at and headed for The Aquarium. We of course had to stop for a little shopping. :) After that we ate dinner at Chipotle, which Jess said is really good, and it was just not the best. LOL.

The second day was my favorite. We took the metro to D.C. and took a tour of the White House. Then we went to the Zoo and even stopped on our way back to paint ceramics. That took longer than we thought, but it was still fun. We then headed to the baseball game where Jess got us front row seats by third base!! Great game, but the Nationals lost, but Jess got a foul ball. Whoohoo!

The third day we drove down to Rehoboth Beach where the most amazing outlets are!! Over 130 stores. It was a dream. We shopped til we dropped. We crashed at a hotel that Jess got to maximize our shopping experience and got up the next day to finish shopping and hit the beach. The beach was incredibly crowded, but soooo nice. After that we were tired! We just hung out at home and watched a movie. We had a great time. I missed spending time with her. It was like we were in college again. One of the best vacations and a well needed one. Thanks Jess for making it so fun!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What we have been up too!

I met my new nephew this weekend his name is Carson and he came with a full set of hair, Lori(the middle sister) is the one that just had him and it brings their family up to 5 members.
Elliott had a great week with speech therapy, he actually started to bite food and swallow it. we got him to nibble on some cheese puffs and some ritz crackers. Half the time he spit it out though but the other half he was moving it to the side of his mouth with is tongue and moving the food
backwards. This week we are taking him up to boise for a MRI. Dr felix our developmental pediatrician doesn' think we will find anything but is willing to try and take a look. Alice Ann is doing great!

The Christiansons