Thursday, December 25, 2008


Hey fellow Christiansons!! Merry Christmas!! Since I'm proud to say that I've talked to ALL of you today, I know you've had a horrible Christmas since I wasn't there! I know, I miss you too. Jer and I had fun opening all your presents! I took a happy picture of Jer with his present from John.. THANKS JOHN. THANKS MEG for the bowls!! And of course, Jer doesn't take pictures because he doesn't think about it.... so there's none of me. I made him take this last picture to show off my new boots! On a Christmas note: I just wanted to let everyone know how grateful I am for the family I have. I love each of you so much and I hate to be so far away from all of you. Being apart makes the heart grow fonder, and I'll only start hating you guys when I move closer... But, seriously, life has little meaning without being apart of the lives of those you love. I'm so blessed for the relationships I have with all of you, and I can't express to you enough the love I have in my heart this day from the memories of all of you. Merry Christmas, Jess

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Some news

Hi Everyone!

Well, I just got some news from my doctor that might explain all of my problems I've had the past few years. It might also explain my frequent miscarriages. I was just diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I can't have anything with gluten in it, which means bread is now my enemy.
At first I was really upset, but the more I think about it the more I realize most of my other problems will go away if I just stick to a gluten-free diet. I haven't had a proper farewell party to bread though. I feel like ordering Papa Johns, having mom make home made cinamin roles, have Erica whip some bananna bread up, and invite the Amish peeps over to be my caterers for the day. After I pass out from dough heaven, maybe then I can say goodbye. But, before I got the news I just finished up a work holiday part at Bucca De Beppo. ITALIAN!!
Since I never talk to everyone regularly, except Erica :o), I wanted to share the news and officially start the pitty party. Ok, so I'm over it... I think. The doctor said this was genetic so... look out siblings!
Thanks to mom, she informed me I might be skinny forever. She told me how wonderful it would feel to have everyone jealous of me... mmmm... I'd rather eat bread!!!
Other than that, Jer and I are just dandy. We are planning a trip to the carribean in January. We got a steal of a deal through my brother in-law. I'm soooo excited!! I love our adventures together out here. But, I really miss all of you. We'll try to make it out next year, and hopefully it wont be so expensive to fly. Don't forget that we have a spare room now and some foot room, visitors welcome!!!

Love you guys!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas lights

Hello Everyone and Merry Christmas!

Remember driving down that street in CA called candy cane lane? That was the title wasn't it?
well we last night went to a home that was decorated just like that. They allow people to pull into their drive way and look at Christmas lights. The place is huge and the driveway is circular so that you can see their entire property. We also went to Gerties a pizza joint here in twin falls. They serve all sorts of funny pizza like smores pizza, taco pizza etc. The kids loved it.

Elliott by the way is doing better or i should say he is progressing. He is almost walking without support. We have a little baby bike that he likes to stand behind and push around the house. As for his eating he is trying all sorts of new textures and flavors of food. Yesterday he had pancakes for lunch and spaghetti for dinner. We still are seeing both a speech therapist and a physical therapist but we are delighted that he is moving in a positive direction.

Alice is still the best little girl in the whole world. Last Friday as I was saying goodbye and heading out the door for work i told her, "love you princess!" she replied, "love you too, princess!" Alyson couldn't stop laughing.

I lost my wedding ring over thanksgiving luckily i found it. The funny thing about losing my wedding ring was that it happened at the same place where i lost my swimming trunks on Valentines Day.

Anyways love ya

The Christiansons