Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Hello Everyone

I hope that you have fun watching fireworks this year I have to work this weekend.... Sucks huh. Alyson is taking the kids to go see her sister in Rexburg and stay over the weekend. I have already called my girlfriend to let her know......(ya right!). Anyways on Monday Elliott is going to see the Urologist to see what they need to do about his balls. They still haven't descended out of the inguinal canal and so I don't know if we are going to have surgery or what, I will let you know more on Tuesday or Wednesday this next week. Erica was mentioning her raise so I guess I should mention mine, I just got an extra .85 cents for my BSN WOW!!!!! I know, I know you are jealous but not everyone can be me all right. Anyways we are doing really well except for the warm weather, I have forgotten how much my allergies bother me when it starts to bloom.


Megan said...

Jared! I suffer from allergies too! Zyrtec kicks it for me! If you haven't tried it you should. But take it before you go to bed...not first thing in the morning. It makes me tired. Thanks for posting! You guys look great! Love Ya! Happy Fourth...and have fun working! Megs!!

Jeremy and Jessica said...

DUUUUUDE, I'm not having much fun either bro. Except I did volunteer in the parade tomorrow. I'm Holding a flag!! Wooop Wooop. It'll be hot, misserable, and I can't wait. Please keep us updated on Elliott. I really miss you guys. Happy Fourth!!

Kirk said...

---so two whole days without the wife and kids....did your head almost explode with glee??!! lol.....time for you to get out and spend some of that raise money on vote is for some super illegal fireworks that Alyson would never let you buy! Happy Fourth. Luv you guys

Mamasita said...

Happy fourth!! Hope you got some sleep! Great picture, We were at Chad's and set off fireworks. Lots of stuff going off all around us. Chad barbequed some great steaks. Met Beth's Mom and boyfriend, and your Dad screamed like a girl when Chad put a firework upside down in a tube and it exploded right at us.

The Christiansons