Friday, July 25, 2008


Well since I live in Utah, I get Pioneer Day off. Yesterday was Pioneer Day, so John and I decided to go hiking. We woke up at 6am (which is huge for me on a day off) and headed off. There is a trail on the East side of Salt Lake that leads up the whole mountain. John has gone on this trail tons of times, but this was my first time. Let me tell you, it was a work out. The trail was entirely uphill. The view was amazing! We could see the entire city. I couldn't help, but stop a few times during the hike just to look. Of course I didn't bring a camera, so the picture is as close as I could get it, but the real thing was much better. I defintely want to make this a habit and my goal is to make it to the top of the mountain. It took us an hour to get half way and then we turned back. My legs are pretty sore today, but in a good way.


Megan said...

That looks beautiful Erica! Hello to John! It sounds like you're having a good summer. Kirk and I are heading to Seattle today. I hope we have fun too! Joey and Matt are coming home next week and I can't wait to see them. xo Meg

Mamasita said...

Beautiful picture!! Thanks for sharing. I want to take that hike with you. We are off to Richland for the family re-union, I plan to post some pictures. Say hi to John, next month is his birthday, and Chad's. Everyone is getting older, but me!

Kirk said...

Wow erica, that is pretty and Kudos to John for actually getting you up and mobile at that time of the day. Oh, and a tip for have to go up the hill before you can go down

The Christiansons