Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Sent a Boy to Alaska, and he came back a Mountain Man

Does anyone notice the animal that has grown on my husband's face? He says he looks more mature with it. The constituents in Alaska don't seem to mind... but me? Well, my first words to him when he got in the car was "Are you shaving that off" not... "I love you.. I miss you" But "AAAAHHHHH"
Jer just peered over my shoulder and said "You can't see much on my face, just looks like pubes"
I second, third, and fourth that.. but I have to put up with the pubes until the campaign is over. He looks more "Alaskan" and volunteers can easily relate to him when he trys to recruit them.
So, how old do you say he looks? 30? 50? Or now a cradle robber with his 24 year old wife?


Megan said...

i say he looks like a meth junkie from Vancouver, WA...but...hey...I find them sexy so...uh...have you seen BATMAN? It's pretty good. I think you should thank your stars you have Jeremy...and not a FAT, bald, guy from Heber, UT to count you as his 3rd wife..."the yungun" ...ummmmhmmmm...ya...yer perdy lucky to have a bloke from alaska...pubes and all...xxoo Meg

Kirk said...

ooohhh...aahhhhh...so hot my nipples ache...Jer you are....so hairy...so animal....take me now monkeyman!!!!!

Mamasita said...

He looks like he's been hunting, fishing, or camping, not campaigning. Just as good looking though.

The Christiansons