Sunday, July 27, 2008


Wednesday night was interesting Alice Ann at 3am decided she wanted to read some books in the kitchen. Alyson woke me up and said, "I think there is someone in the house!" so I go bolting out of bed into the kitchen and there is my daughter......So we bring here to our room so she'll go back to sleep. Bubba wakes up at 5am because he is hungry....half hour later after being breast feed he pukes in our bed!

Being a parent rocks!


Megan said...

That was funny Jared! I feel your pain!! It gets better, it does! Every year is easier...until, all of a sudden you don't have kids at home anymore...oh...but then one of them moves back in right?

Kirk said...

That was funny when are you having your next one?lol

The Christiansons