Monday, July 14, 2008

A mind of their own

I wanted to share with you guys the fun that we have been having with the crabs that we bought to go in our fish tanks. The first one we bought was about six months ago and he figured out how to crawl up the filter and get out of the tank. I was asleep one night and heard him crawl out and fall behind the dresser. Needless to say I could not go back to bed until he was safely back in the tank. He has since died and we bought two more, one male and one female. Well we have only had these guys for a few days. On Saturday, John was at work and I was on the couch watching "Definitely, Maybe" which actually is a pretty cute movie and I see something scurrying across the floor. At first, being the spider freak that I am, I thought it was a pretty decent size spider, but it was actually the female crab. Now the tank, mind you, is in the back of the apartment, so she managed to get all of the way to the front room without me noticing. Ha! Well I got her and put her back in the tank. We still have not quite figured out how to fix the problem, but we are working on it. Here they are in all of their glory. The male is the one with the huge claw. By the way, did you guys know that beta fish can go in tanks with other fish, they just can't be in the same tank together. I didn't.


Mamasita said...

hay, nice crabs! Where are the fish?

Kirk said...

Ha that would have been one mean head might have exploded. Oh, BTW, I think the crabs are getting out through the top of the tank. Just a thought. Haha Luv Ya

Megan said...

Isn't he smart? SMRT... I ur crabs are so cute!

The Christiansons