Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mr. Elliott

On Monday we ended up taking bubba to the urologist for his checkup and the physician decided to wait 6 more months and hopefully we will see some more progress. His left testicle has descended quite a bit down the inguinal canal his right one is still up there but the good news is that it is not in the abdomen itself. We are still waiting to hear from the geneticist about the labs we had drawn. Anyways got to go take care of the lawn.......


Erica said...

I'm glad that there is some progress. Keep us updated.

Mamasita said...

Good to hear some positive news! he is such a happy baby, miss him lots!

Jeremy and Jessica said...

That's really good news Jared. I'm glad you guys are making progress. I love you and miss you!

The Christiansons