Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Vag

Peeps is having a rough time with Indy-the new star in the house. He is getting all of the attention and she doesn't like it. So she's found that if she flies to the floor---everyone comes running.......even Indy who's latest victim was the hamster...Houdini(may god rest his soul) So we noticed Peep was picking at her butt and it was getting a little nasty down there so we took her to the vet. Three hours later(ya three hours after work in a stinky vet office) we get to see the vet(a woman in her late 20's with Amazonian features). She comes in, clearly is not familiar with birds, and says she like to have a closer look at Peep's "vag". I thought maybe this was some vet term for an unknown to me bird part, but when the vet said she'd like to "swab out the vag" I knew I wasn't hearing it wrong and I tried so hard not to laugh. Vag, who the hell says vag? Birds I thought had a cloaca---whatever, so peeps has a vag, which got swabed out, cultured and x-rayed. All for 200 bucks...I should have asked her to throw in a pap smear while they were at it-----you know---diagnosing peep's vag?lol

oh-the diagnosis is either a papilloma(peeps will eventually die) or an adenocarcinoma(she'll really die) or an Indy trauma(he hooked one of his claws in her vag) and it stings so she picks at it. They gave her some Ab and NSAIDS but they forgot to give her some Preperation H. Oh.....I hear Erica might have some I could borrow HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Luv ya sis HAHAHAHAHA


Erica said...

Poor peeps. I've always liked that bird. I love you too bro even if you like to take jabs at me. I think you do it because I suck at doing it back. Who came up with the word vag for a bird? Weird....

Jeremy and Jessica said...

I think the word "Vag" came from Opera's big Vajajay moment. It's been abreviated for some, like myself. This blog might be a bad idea, mom and dad will find out how sick we all really are.

Mamasita said...

Poor peeps. Sounds misdiagnosed, good to see you guys yesterday!!

Megan said...

Megan said...

Just cut and paste that into your browser. I don't know how to link things, but that refrences Opera's Vajayjay moment that I hadn't heard of Jess!?! I dig it =)

The Christiansons