Saturday, August 16, 2008

What we have been up too!

I met my new nephew this weekend his name is Carson and he came with a full set of hair, Lori(the middle sister) is the one that just had him and it brings their family up to 5 members.
Elliott had a great week with speech therapy, he actually started to bite food and swallow it. we got him to nibble on some cheese puffs and some ritz crackers. Half the time he spit it out though but the other half he was moving it to the side of his mouth with is tongue and moving the food
backwards. This week we are taking him up to boise for a MRI. Dr felix our developmental pediatrician doesn' think we will find anything but is willing to try and take a look. Alice Ann is doing great!


Megan said...

Hey guys! We celebrated Chad's birthday today, and I got to see the most recent pictures of Alice and Elliot. They are so cute! Glad to hear things are going well. Sorry nothing is conclusive. That sounds really frustrating! Give them kisses for me! xo Meg

Mamasita said...

Glad to hear Elliott is doing better. When will you hear teh results of the MRI? See you on Sept. 12!

Kirk said...

Give me some cheese puffs-I could totally nibble on some of those right now!!

The Christiansons