Sunday, September 7, 2008


First we worked our buts off campaigning.. and putting up signs...

Then we hit the lake for some wave-runner fun...

Then Jer took me to a beautiful hotel room for a romantic night! It was a condo it was so huge!!
All-in-all I had a good time. I wouldn't mind living there.. it relaxes me so much.. There's no one around!!!


Megan said...

Pretty exciting political scene in Alaska right now!?! You guys look great! xo Megan

Mamasita said...

You both look great! I like the flowers, good job Jeremy. Alaska is really getting alot of press right now. It looks beautiful.

Kirk said...

Wow Jess! That looks fun!

Stacy said...

Hey, Christiansons, it's Stacy Elliott(Connelly). How fun to see all of you guys looking so fantastic! I miss you guys so much. Looks like we're moving to DC next year so maybe we'll be able to hook up with you, Jess. Love you guys!

The Christiansons