Thursday, September 11, 2008

Evolution of a Name

How a cat named Indiana Jones can also be known as Susan

I have a problem with nick-names. Its irresistable. I can't just call someone by their original name---it hurts too much to contain myself. So I come up with nick-names to fit the person and how I feel about them at the time. Even my staff have nick-names. But there is a logic behind it all, so I decided to write the most recent down with my thought processes so you all can see that I'm not completely cracked;

We got a cat and gave him a name:
"Indiana Jones"
which led to "Dr Jones"
which of course led to "Indy"
Which if you add a 'B' makes for a catchy "Bindy"
Now Crocadile Hunter has a daughter named "Bindy Sue"
So I also call him "Bindy Sue" and when he pisses me off, I call him by his formal name "Susan"
On a side note, we also call him "Indiana",
which if you shorten it leads to "Ana"
That is how you go from Indiana Jones to Susan
Indy's names:
Indiana Jones
Dr Jones
Bindy Sue
So he has been with us for 6 months and has 8 names. If you come over to our house and hear someone yell "Susan" or "Oh Ana" they are referring to the cat. I'm working on the dog now.

Dogs name: Noah
When he kinda barks it sounds like "Wha!"
So I call him No-Wha or Sno-wha
Joey calls him Nova for short and Nova Southeastern formal
I've been toying with a few variations......Since he squats when he pees, a variation on the name Snowa could be Snow White(cuz what male dog squats----what a pussy) What a Snow White! Snow White could be formal...Whitey (after Uncle Whitey) for short. Did Whitey squat when he peed? If he did that'd be perfect. I'll put Jess on the case to find out.
From Whitey we could stick to the white theme and go to gringo or the antithesis of gringo...beaner.
So our dog may be called Beaner or Cholo when you meet him. I just do not know how it will evolve. But, the name Noah is not long for this world.


Erica said...

That was great. I remember Champ and how you would call him "Lips" and "Bones." I probably missed a few. Your nick names always make me laugh!

Mamasita said...

I can't keep up with all the names. I just figured if your looking their way, you must mean them. Smart Huh!!

The Christiansons