Monday, September 29, 2008

It's been awhile...

Well...I thought I would give you guys an update on how things are going. This past weekend was interesting because our wonderful TV decided to punish us for not fixing it sooner. We have a projection TV and ever since we moved into our apartment last year, we have had a problem with our blue convergence. Well we have gone a whole year "dealing" with the problem and our red convergence decided to chip in. That gave us the incentive to try and get it fixed, but it kept being pushed to the side. I know you guys all know how that is. Well, Friday the TV just decided to stop turning on. Yep that's right. We turn it on and two seconds later it turns off, so it's probably a bulb issue. Needless to say, it's at the repair shop and depending how much it costs, we may just end up buying a new TV, but we really don't want to. On top of that, John hurt his back really bad playing basketball last week, so we went to the doctor who put him on serious pain meds, which knocked him out almost the entire weekend. Other then that, we are doing pretty well. Just dealing with everything as it comes one day at a time. :)


Megan said...

Erica!!! We are having tv issues as well...I sure hope we got the best buy whateveryoucall it for our brand new 5 months ago, TV...because it keeps turning off too!?!? AND Kirk is having horrible back pain as well?! We even bought a new pad to go on our bed!! UGH! He's constantly rolling around on the floor groaning...and has been to the chiropractor about 10 times...he keeps asking ME to adjust him!?!? I feel your pain! And John's...LUV MEG

Stacy said...

Hey, smear. I love your family blog. Sorry to hear about your TV. I called you the other day but I think the number I have for you is super old.

The Christiansons