Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kirk's quandary

Kirk, Jess just told me about your recent decision to vote for Obama because of McCain's choice of Sara Palin as his running mate. She also mentioned that you agree that the government should not be bailing everyone out. I mean, who's next Ford? General Motors? Professional Boxing?

Seriously though, as the country starts moving towards a socialist society and Obama looks more and more like the next President, I hope you think of what you're doing. If you were a flaming liberal environmentalist that embraced communism, then I would abandon the fight to save a lost soul. However, I know you are not. You embrace a free market, you're a proud gun owner (at least you were a proud gun owner), and you drive a Porcshe versus a Prius.

You might want to do a double take on Obama's economic plan. He wants to eliminate taxes on the poor, cut taxes on the middle class, raise taxes on everyone making $250,000 and up, raise capital gains and dividends taxes, and raise taxes on businesses. Uh, did I mention he wants government run health care and college for everyone that wants to go. How in the world is he going to pay for such programs? Dentists and doctors will pay for it.

So, you may be scared of a little old beauty queen who doesn't know the difference between Iraq and Iran but at least she's not a rabid anti-dentite!!



Kirk said...

I'm sorry...she wants to burn the books she doesn't approve of. I can't vote for a Bible Beating Book Burner!!

Megan said...

You are funny Jer...and you know that the Flubber Blubber Incorporation is going to be tracking you now that you made a negative coment about SP. Honestly, I would vote for them if it would get you into the WH...would it Alaska Boy? luv luv...your fav Sis in Law...Meg

Mamasita said...

We have been watching Fox News. it seems to be the most informative, unbiased news channels. While everyone is decided who to vote for, I would suggest we get the facts. There is a great deal of half truths flying about.

Megan said...

Fox News is unbiased? Uh...check that out.

The Christiansons