Friday, October 3, 2008

Hi Family- I'm a scrapbooker ya'll

Wow, it's been awhile since I got on here. But, I have a life, what can I say? I've recently decided I don't want to waste my life watching T.V. I'm realizing my life has become one very long boring Trailer. So, I've been scrapbooking and trying to "create". I was watching the relief society broadcast when I decided it's time to use my brane! So, I've included some dull pictures of my last project. I was so proud!! It took me forever! I gave it to Donna and Dennis (Jer's parents) for their 40 year anniversary. (the porda-potty pic is my favorite) My sister-in-law is putting together a scrapbook for them. This weekend, I'm going to try and enlarge my wedding photos. I need to get those in a book. Hopefully the Wedding Gods will have mercy on me... and the pics will turn out perfect. I miss all of you terribly!!


Megan said...

Jess! That looks great! You've always been artistic! When I first married Kirk you wanted to be an you remember? I you...xo Meg

Mamasita said...

WOW! The pages look great! Now you need to fly here and get me started with all the pictures and stuff I have of all of you. You could be really creative......
Love ya

Kirk said...

Cool Beans Jess! Oh and by the way, thank you for giving me my laugh for the day when you said you decided to use your "brane"....hahahahahaha....
I miss you Jess!
Love kirk

The Christiansons