Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas lights

Hello Everyone and Merry Christmas!

Remember driving down that street in CA called candy cane lane? That was the title wasn't it?
well we last night went to a home that was decorated just like that. They allow people to pull into their drive way and look at Christmas lights. The place is huge and the driveway is circular so that you can see their entire property. We also went to Gerties a pizza joint here in twin falls. They serve all sorts of funny pizza like smores pizza, taco pizza etc. The kids loved it.

Elliott by the way is doing better or i should say he is progressing. He is almost walking without support. We have a little baby bike that he likes to stand behind and push around the house. As for his eating he is trying all sorts of new textures and flavors of food. Yesterday he had pancakes for lunch and spaghetti for dinner. We still are seeing both a speech therapist and a physical therapist but we are delighted that he is moving in a positive direction.

Alice is still the best little girl in the whole world. Last Friday as I was saying goodbye and heading out the door for work i told her, "love you princess!" she replied, "love you too, princess!" Alyson couldn't stop laughing.

I lost my wedding ring over thanksgiving luckily i found it. The funny thing about losing my wedding ring was that it happened at the same place where i lost my swimming trunks on Valentines Day.

Anyways love ya


Mamasita said...

Great to hear about Elliott!! It is snowing here, lots, and it was nice to read about your Christmas lights. Love ya

Jeremy and Jessica said...

I miss candy cane lane!!! I wish I could see it again. I wonder if the residents still maintain the holiday spirit? :o) I'm glad to hear Elliott is walking! And Jared you are a Princess... a manly one though. Love you!

The Christiansons