Monday, January 26, 2009


This is the "place" we ate our lunch on the U.S. Virgin Islands. I had the best beans and rice and Jer had Jerk chicken. (note: I neglected to get the pot smokers in the shot)

We also went snorkeling here and fed some fishies!! They swarmed Jer and I. We were overwhelmed by them. All in all, it was awesome.

Next we went to St. Maarten where I saw way too many nude men. But, Jeremy seemed to like it. We rented beach chairs at this mexican restaurant/beach front?? I wanted to look like a biker chick for once.... What do you think??? And yes, we do not tan well.

The next pic is of me enjoying the warm water at St. Maarten. There is one think I loved about this beach. The water had a sweet smell to it. I remember the beaches in California smelt like strong salty funk. I couldn't believe how wonderful the breeze was. You couldn't even tell you were at the beach.

Jeremy's favorite part of the cruise ship was the big screen T.V. that showed all the football games. The view was always amazing from the ship. The water was often still, but on other days it was a'ragin. The rocking of the boat caught me off guard the first day and I didn't think I would make it. Jeremy had to guide me down the halls for some time. After the first night, sleeping felt like the big mamma carnival was slowly rocking me to sleep.... until she hit the gas at 2 a.m.!!!!


Kirk said...

Wow Jess that was a cool post. Did you guys go to the inaugeration too? BTW Jer is a sexy bitch...hahaha... you're ok too!

Rachel said...

Jer liked the naked men huh? You might need to be worried about that! lol!

Mamasita said...

You guys look so white! The ocean looks really great. Good that you can go do these adventures now before your family grows.

Kandice said...

Hope I'm allowed to comment... Love the pics. Looks like so much fun! We miss you guys! Can't wait to see you in April.

The Christiansons