Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lying to your children

I think that we have all been there at one point in our lives. We want someone to do something immediately and not try to explain it to them in detail why it is sooo important that they do the task that we ask of them now. Alice sometimes just loves to take off her seat belt, or for that matter not even put it on. So me, the neglectful dad, will be driving down the road and notice that my 3 year old hasn't put on her seat belt yet or is doing it really slowly. Expaining why the seat belt is so important is not an option, so i tell her that if she doesn't do it right now the police will come get her.
There are other things I tell my children that are not exactly true but they do curve behavior that I do not appreciate. for instance over Christmas I told my alice, when she was not acting nicely, that santa was comming to take her back. I would pretend to call santa and have a conversation with him. to accomplish this task I would pretend that my hand was a phone.

So setting that as a background the other day when i wasn't acting the way that alice wanted me too she pretended to call the police and have them take me back! She said, "hello police, my daddy is bad! You want to come take him back? Ok bye" then she turned to me and said, "Daddy you bad the police are comming to take you back."

being a dad is great!


Megan said...

I love it! ;-) She is a smartypants!

Mamasita said...

Sounds like Alice learns quick! She's going to be alot of fun throught the years!

Kirk said...

i wish I could limit lying to just my story Jared!
remember x mas day when I talked to her on the phone and asked her what she she kept yelling "it's too much its too much" hahaha I got a big kick out of that.

The Christiansons