Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl

For the Super Bowl the last couple of years, John and I have had a little party. John barbecues ribs, chicken, and steak with rice and beans and other yummy treats and we all just hang out and have a good time. This year was not any different. Word has gotten out about John's barbecue so a few more people showed up this year, but it was fun because we had plenty of food. We completely missed the first half because we were busy cooking, etc. but it was a great game and we ate plenty of good food.

I know this family revolves around food, but it's always good food right? The kitchen was so out of control. I couldn't find anything that I was looking for towards the end of the night. The leftovers, by the way, are almost entirely gone. Hope you guys had a great day yesterday even if you didn't watch the super bowl.


Megan said...

That looks so amazingly delicious! YUM! We had a little superbowl party too...but I don't think anything we ate tasted 1/2 as good as what John cooks! Can't wait to see you guys this summer!

Mamasita said...

That looks really good! Hope to taste some of the famous cooking this summer!!

Kirk said...

Oh man that looks good erica!

The Christiansons