Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm Lonely and pathetic

I've been alone for two weeks now, and going on a third. Don't I look horrible? I'm so happy I have this blog and my friends to keep me social. Jer's working hard for the Congressman when most likely he wont win the election in the end. I'm proud of him for putting himself out there though. This is his first time running a campaign for his home town. Could you all keep us in your prayers? If Jer looses his job, I don't know what we'll do. He's set on everything will be ok, but I'm the natural pessimist. Other than that, I've just mastered my front lawn and killed all the weeds!! I even pulled one out that was 7 feet tall! The home association peeps saw me and said.."thanks so much for cleaning this up, we didn't know what we were going to do." My point is... I'm lazy and don't give a crap about my yard.... Hey dad, you mind coming out here to show me how the pros do it? Well, off to bed I guess. I have the whole queen size to myself. That's the only good thing about Jeremy leaving me for so long.... I sleep like a baby.


Megan said...

Well Jess...even if your life sucks and all is going to hell...(which I'm sure it isn't...) You look like a cutie! I like the brown hair and the pouty lips! You're a diva...lonely and pathetic! But a diva nonetheless! Jer will be back and all will be right, and things will get better. Look at Kirk and I...the picture of happiness and that you have our image in your mind, don't you feel a WHOLE lot better?!? :-)
See...I KNEW you would! XO Megan

Mamasita said...

You look so sad!! Still cute though. 6 more days and all will be right again. Might as well be optimistic about the election. You have no control anyway, and this way you'll be happy and clueless.
Good rationalization huh?

Kirk said...

eewww jess you look really bad...haha...I love to tease you. You could always come out here and visit us!! You wouldn't be bored!

The Christiansons