Wednesday, July 2, 2008

No pics yet

I like this idea a lot better because I'm more likely to participate. I have a hard time finding the time to creat my own blog. No pictures yet. I need to break out the camera and dust it off. I haven't used it in forever. Megan you look great. I am still trying to lose the 15 or so pounds I've gained in the past year.

Everything is going great on our side. Still working and doing the fun stuff. I'm all for going to see Hancock. What about you guys? I have a month left of being nervous and biting my nails before I find out how much my raise will be for the new position. For those of you in the fam who don't know what I've been doing the past 6 months here's a general breakdown. New FDA regulations for pharmecuetical companies are going into effect June 2009. As such, my company has to bring everything up to date in order to meet these new regulations. My job has been to write validations for every piece of equipment we use and make sure they are up to standards in running tablets and softgels. If a new piece of equipment comes in, I am responsible for gathering the information and running tests on the equipment to make sure it is compliant. I have been waiting on this promotion for 6 months now and have been just a little stressed because of it. One more month won't hurt though right? I am still working at the gym close to our house and it's pretty easy seeing as we get free memberships. :) John is doing well. He's taking the time off from school this summer and working full time. We spend most of our time with our fish hobby. We have about 5 tanks now, two that are 55 and 75 gallons. We have mostly cichlids and John is really talented at setting up the tanks. Something that I'm definitely not good at. We are still under reconstruction with the tanks and the fish, but it's fun. I promise that I will start posting pictures. Love you guys!


Megan said...

YAY!!! Good Job Erica! I think this will be a great way to keep in touch! I've missed you guys SO MUCH! And since we all have access to a computer at our various jobs and such, it will be fine to pop in and just say hello! I don't even care about the photos...I just love that one of Kirk and your mom! Ha Ha...Your job sounds interesting! As soon as we're all signed on to this blog I'm going to make it private. If you guys want public ones you can do that too, but I think this one should just be family! It's so good to hear what you guys are up to! Fishies!? I love it! Kirk has always wanted a tank.'s sort of beyond our skill level!

Kirk said...

Erica, I love fish tanks. I always wanted a salt water one, but I would probably screw it up and kill all of the fish. You promotion sounds really kool. Even if the raise is only 10c an hour it will be mucho good experience and a career building opportunity. But I want you to get a bigger 25c or something...hahaha jk, hope you had an awesome b-day, I went home and BBQ'd in your honor. On the post page where you make a post there's a picture icon and you click it and upload your pic. Way easier than myspace.

Mamasita said...

Where are the pics? I'm just getting into this. Fish are for sissy's you need a Maccaw to make to a true pet owner! We went to Bird perch, a store for bird lovers and there are several really cool birds. Didin't buy one though. Love Ya

The Christiansons