Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More pictures

  1. Crystal is now 15 years old, Dale and Ilene brought her over to meet all the children.
    The picture includes from left, Nello, Dave, Les, Britton, Dale and grandchild
    From left Sheri, daughters, son in lap, Roy and his wife, Joseph and Lila
    This is Dave, one of Kathy's son in laws, and Ona Kathy in far right

Fort Family Re-union

Kris is in Les's Model T-Ford. He just finished driving it.

From top left Ilene, Kathy, Mary, and I.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


On wednesday this week we will be taking the bubba man to see a developmental pediatrician up in boise. I will keep you updated as things occur. Still haven't heard from the geneticist about those labs that were drawn up in june will keep you posted when I have more information. Bubba still isn't crawling yet but at least he is going from a sitting position to hands and knees before doing the arm crawl.


Wednesday night was interesting Alice Ann at 3am decided she wanted to read some books in the kitchen. Alyson woke me up and said, "I think there is someone in the house!" so I go bolting out of bed into the kitchen and there is my daughter......So we bring here to our room so she'll go back to sleep. Bubba wakes up at 5am because he is hungry....half hour later after being breast feed he pukes in our bed!

Being a parent rocks!

Friday, July 25, 2008


Well since I live in Utah, I get Pioneer Day off. Yesterday was Pioneer Day, so John and I decided to go hiking. We woke up at 6am (which is huge for me on a day off) and headed off. There is a trail on the East side of Salt Lake that leads up the whole mountain. John has gone on this trail tons of times, but this was my first time. Let me tell you, it was a work out. The trail was entirely uphill. The view was amazing! We could see the entire city. I couldn't help, but stop a few times during the hike just to look. Of course I didn't bring a camera, so the picture is as close as I could get it, but the real thing was much better. I defintely want to make this a habit and my goal is to make it to the top of the mountain. It took us an hour to get half way and then we turned back. My legs are pretty sore today, but in a good way.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Sent a Boy to Alaska, and he came back a Mountain Man

Does anyone notice the animal that has grown on my husband's face? He says he looks more mature with it. The constituents in Alaska don't seem to mind... but me? Well, my first words to him when he got in the car was "Are you shaving that off" not... "I love you.. I miss you" But "AAAAHHHHH"
Jer just peered over my shoulder and said "You can't see much on my face, just looks like pubes"
I second, third, and fourth that.. but I have to put up with the pubes until the campaign is over. He looks more "Alaskan" and volunteers can easily relate to him when he trys to recruit them.
So, how old do you say he looks? 30? 50? Or now a cradle robber with his 24 year old wife?

Monday, July 14, 2008

A mind of their own

I wanted to share with you guys the fun that we have been having with the crabs that we bought to go in our fish tanks. The first one we bought was about six months ago and he figured out how to crawl up the filter and get out of the tank. I was asleep one night and heard him crawl out and fall behind the dresser. Needless to say I could not go back to bed until he was safely back in the tank. He has since died and we bought two more, one male and one female. Well we have only had these guys for a few days. On Saturday, John was at work and I was on the couch watching "Definitely, Maybe" which actually is a pretty cute movie and I see something scurrying across the floor. At first, being the spider freak that I am, I thought it was a pretty decent size spider, but it was actually the female crab. Now the tank, mind you, is in the back of the apartment, so she managed to get all of the way to the front room without me noticing. Ha! Well I got her and put her back in the tank. We still have not quite figured out how to fix the problem, but we are working on it. Here they are in all of their glory. The male is the one with the huge claw. By the way, did you guys know that beta fish can go in tanks with other fish, they just can't be in the same tank together. I didn't.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm Lonely and pathetic

I've been alone for two weeks now, and going on a third. Don't I look horrible? I'm so happy I have this blog and my friends to keep me social. Jer's working hard for the Congressman when most likely he wont win the election in the end. I'm proud of him for putting himself out there though. This is his first time running a campaign for his home town. Could you all keep us in your prayers? If Jer looses his job, I don't know what we'll do. He's set on everything will be ok, but I'm the natural pessimist. Other than that, I've just mastered my front lawn and killed all the weeds!! I even pulled one out that was 7 feet tall! The home association peeps saw me and said.."thanks so much for cleaning this up, we didn't know what we were going to do." My point is... I'm lazy and don't give a crap about my yard.... Hey dad, you mind coming out here to show me how the pros do it? Well, off to bed I guess. I have the whole queen size to myself. That's the only good thing about Jeremy leaving me for so long.... I sleep like a baby.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mr. Elliott

On Monday we ended up taking bubba to the urologist for his checkup and the physician decided to wait 6 more months and hopefully we will see some more progress. His left testicle has descended quite a bit down the inguinal canal his right one is still up there but the good news is that it is not in the abdomen itself. We are still waiting to hear from the geneticist about the labs we had drawn. Anyways got to go take care of the lawn.......

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Fourth

Okay you guys. I'm a loser because I still haven't made picture taking a habit, but it's coming soon. I thought I would let you guys know how our fourth went. We had a barbacue on Friday. Not the traditional hot dogs and hamburgers, but something even better. I was able to have jerk chicken and rice and beans twice this week. It was great. John barbacued ribs too. They were so good. Megan you are the only one who has experienced his jerk chicken and rice and beans even though the rice was a little burnt (he felt so bad about that). We didn't go to any fireworks shows, but that's okay because the fourth to me is doing that kind of stuff at home. We had a relaxing weekend and actually made it to Hancock. I liked it because I like Will Smith as an actor, but there was a weird twist to the movie that I wasn't expecting. I still liked it though. Anyway, that's about it. I hope you all had a great fourth.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Poor Indy...He just got neutered, and is too weak to hunt...that's ok, because Kirk is a hunter himself...apparently it runs in the family...Jessica...
The mouse that has been driving us nutz...=)

Saturday, July 5, 2008


I was in the DC parade in the BLAZING SUN waiting for 2 hours to
walk through downtown holding a hudge star. It was my coworker's idea and since I'm alone for the fourth I thought I'd get
out there and wave to the kids cause I'm awesome. I did see some of the parade while I was in line to go. It looked pretty cool for what I saw. So who can say they were in their nation's capitol on Independence Day participating in a cool event? No one? Really? I thought so.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Hello Everyone

I hope that you have fun watching fireworks this year I have to work this weekend.... Sucks huh. Alyson is taking the kids to go see her sister in Rexburg and stay over the weekend. I have already called my girlfriend to let her know......(ya right!). Anyways on Monday Elliott is going to see the Urologist to see what they need to do about his balls. They still haven't descended out of the inguinal canal and so I don't know if we are going to have surgery or what, I will let you know more on Tuesday or Wednesday this next week. Erica was mentioning her raise so I guess I should mention mine, I just got an extra .85 cents for my BSN WOW!!!!! I know, I know you are jealous but not everyone can be me all right. Anyways we are doing really well except for the warm weather, I have forgotten how much my allergies bother me when it starts to bloom.

The Vag

Peeps is having a rough time with Indy-the new star in the house. He is getting all of the attention and she doesn't like it. So she's found that if she flies to the floor---everyone comes running.......even Indy who's latest victim was the hamster...Houdini(may god rest his soul) So we noticed Peep was picking at her butt and it was getting a little nasty down there so we took her to the vet. Three hours later(ya three hours after work in a stinky vet office) we get to see the vet(a woman in her late 20's with Amazonian features). She comes in, clearly is not familiar with birds, and says she like to have a closer look at Peep's "vag". I thought maybe this was some vet term for an unknown to me bird part, but when the vet said she'd like to "swab out the vag" I knew I wasn't hearing it wrong and I tried so hard not to laugh. Vag, who the hell says vag? Birds I thought had a cloaca---whatever, so peeps has a vag, which got swabed out, cultured and x-rayed. All for 200 bucks...I should have asked her to throw in a pap smear while they were at it-----you know---diagnosing peep's vag?lol

oh-the diagnosis is either a papilloma(peeps will eventually die) or an adenocarcinoma(she'll really die) or an Indy trauma(he hooked one of his claws in her vag) and it stings so she picks at it. They gave her some Ab and NSAIDS but they forgot to give her some Preperation H. Oh.....I hear Erica might have some I could borrow HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Luv ya sis HAHAHAHAHA

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


haaaaaaaaaa I can't believe I figured this out. Awesome. You can't even tell he's dead huh? But the LITTLE BASTARD IS.
ODOYAL RULES!!! So, evil. I'm really not this mean.


It's funny how you think you know yourself until you smash a cute mouse with a shoe. I fed him peanut butter, let him think he was ok.... (for my peace of mind) then I squished him. My reasoning? Body pump was starting in five minutes. I then call my husband and say, "I HATE YOU FO R LEAVING ME ALONE TO DO THIS!!!!" Oh, by the way, Jer is in Alaska working. He's really busy with the campaign and hates life right now I think. I' m super jealous though. He gets to go on a camping trip this weekend for the 4th and me? Well, maybe I'll spend some money??? I haven't been invited to hang out with anyone yet, as pathetic as I sound I'm sure I'd be ooodles of fun.
I tried to fly out to see my most favorite people on the west coast!! I miss the coldasack fourth of July parties and hanging out with neighbors. Wasn't it so much fun? So, I'm trying to attach a picture of my dead mice since I know everyone would love to see it. Lets hope I can figure this stupid blog thing out.


No pics yet

I like this idea a lot better because I'm more likely to participate. I have a hard time finding the time to creat my own blog. No pictures yet. I need to break out the camera and dust it off. I haven't used it in forever. Megan you look great. I am still trying to lose the 15 or so pounds I've gained in the past year.

Everything is going great on our side. Still working and doing the fun stuff. I'm all for going to see Hancock. What about you guys? I have a month left of being nervous and biting my nails before I find out how much my raise will be for the new position. For those of you in the fam who don't know what I've been doing the past 6 months here's a general breakdown. New FDA regulations for pharmecuetical companies are going into effect June 2009. As such, my company has to bring everything up to date in order to meet these new regulations. My job has been to write validations for every piece of equipment we use and make sure they are up to standards in running tablets and softgels. If a new piece of equipment comes in, I am responsible for gathering the information and running tests on the equipment to make sure it is compliant. I have been waiting on this promotion for 6 months now and have been just a little stressed because of it. One more month won't hurt though right? I am still working at the gym close to our house and it's pretty easy seeing as we get free memberships. :) John is doing well. He's taking the time off from school this summer and working full time. We spend most of our time with our fish hobby. We have about 5 tanks now, two that are 55 and 75 gallons. We have mostly cichlids and John is really talented at setting up the tanks. Something that I'm definitely not good at. We are still under reconstruction with the tanks and the fish, but it's fun. I promise that I will start posting pictures. Love you guys!

The Christiansons